Friday, February 5, 2010

Meat Free Mondays!

I subscribe to Gwyneth Paltrow's GOOP newsletter. Don't really know why . . . maybe to know all the cool places to go for when I am rollin' in the dough (ha - because I like to bake - just kidding - ooh, lame, lame joke for a Friday morning).

Anyway, the latest newsletter spreads the word about Paul, Stella and Mary McCartney's effort at helping the environment. SIR Paul McCartney, that is. Check out their website by clicking this link: SupportMFM Home.

The information on the site is interesting and intriguing, and has spurred me on to continue our plan to eat less meat, incorporating less meat in our meals. We have done pretty well this year so far, and hope to continue the good trend.

There is also another meat free monday effort, called Meatless Mondays, which has a site - click here to check them out, too.

Both sites offer recipes for meatless meals. I have yet to check them out, but I am happy to support the cause to save the environment! If everyone could do a small thing, it could add up to a big thing!

"We can do no great things; only small things with great love." -- Mother Teresa


  1. Great post. Saw your link on the Foodie Blogroll and it's a nice site you have here. Wow, you're a good bread baker!

  2. i think it's a great idea to bring awareness and ACTION! :)

  3. Thank you both for your comments! I'm so excited to be on the Foodie Blogroll now. It's a little thrill to see my blog on there.

    Mum in Bloom - You are too kind. :) Being called a good bread baker is a huge compliment for me right now! I am tryin'!

    Simply Life - I was amazed at the impact on the environment, just from one day a week. Hopefully, the awareness will spread! Thanks so much for your comment.


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